CASA Responsibilities:
– To serve as a fact-finder for the judge by thoroughly investigating the case
– To speak for the child in the courtroom, representing the child’s best
– To continue to act as a “watchdog” for the child during the life of the case,
ensuring it is brought to a swift and appropriate conclusion

A CASA volunteer must:
– Care about children
– Be 21 years of age or older
– Be able to commit for at least 1 year
– Be objective
– Be able to relate to families in stressful situations
– Communicate well orally and in writing
– Have transportation and a valid driver’s license and car insurance with
– Go through an initial in-depth 30 hours of training
– Continue ongoing in-service training once they become an active volunteer

Time Requirements:
– The initial in-depth training is 30 hours. The dates and times will vary
according to scheduling needs of the trainees and director
– Once appointed to a case, a volunteer works on their case for an average
of 10-12 hours per month; however, more complicated cases may take more